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Sound Writing

Subsection 8.3.9 Citing a Work From a Website

This diagram shows a screenshot of an article pulled up on a website, with labels pointing to elements that are needed for a citation. The url is in a bar at the top of the page, with a yellow label that reads "URL." Below the URL is a black ribbon with different headings like “News” and "Politics," with the name "Salon" in larger letters at the left with a dark green label that reads "Website name." In large text at the beginning of the piece are the words "Fiction: ’Poppyseed’ by Ramona Ausubel" with a blue label that reads "Title." In small text above the title are the words "Saturday, May 11, 2013 08:00 AM PDT" with a light green label that reads "Date." Below the title is the name "Ramona Ausubel," with a red title that reads "Author."

Subsubsection APA

Author last name, initials. Title of Work. (Publication Year, Month Day). Title of Website. URL.

Ausubel, R. Poppyseed. (2013, May 11). Salon.

In-text: (Ausubel, 2013)

Subsubsection Chicago

Author last name, first name. “Title of Work.” Title of Website. Publication/modification Month Day, Year. URL.

Ausubel, Ramona. “Poppyseed.” Salon. May 11, 2013.


First appearance.
Ramona Ausubel, “Fiction: “Poppyseed” by Ramona Ausubel”, Salon, May 11, 2013,
Consecutive appearances.
Nonconsecutive appearances.
Ausubel, “Fiction: “Poppyseed.””
For more information about how to insert footnotes, see Subsection 12.1.2.

Subsubsection MLA

Author last name, First Name. “Title of Work.” Title of Website, Name of Publisher, Date of publication (if available), URL. Accessed access date.

Ausubel, Ramona. “Poppyseed.” Salon. Salon, 11 May 2013, Accessed 8 January 2018.

For a work with no known author from a website, begin the citation with the title of the work.
In-text: (Ausubel)