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Subsection 8.3.11 Citing an Entry in an Encyclopedia

This image is the screen shot of a table of contents entry with labels on items that would be used in a citation. Large orange text at the top reads "G Protein-Coupled Receptor," with a blue label that reads "title." In smaller italic text below this are the words "Encyclopedia of Neuroscience," with a green label that reads "Encyclopedia name." Below in small print is the following text: "Ed. Marc D Binder, Nobutaka Hirowaka, and Uwe Windhorst. Vol. 2. Berlin: Springer, 2009. P[1655]-1659. COPYRIGHT 2009 Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg. Yuichi Hashimoto and Tatsuya Haga." A black label that reads "Editors" points to "Marc D Binder, Nobatuka Hirowaka, and Uwe Windhorst." A salmon label that reads "Volume" points to "Vol 2," a maroon label that reads "City of Publication" points to "Berlin," a purple label that reads "Publisher" points to "Springer," a dark blue label that reads "Pages" points to "p[1655]-1659," and a red label that reads "Authors" points to "Yuichi Hashimoto and Tatsuya Haga."

Subsubsection APA

Author 1 Last Name, Initials., & Author 2 Last Name, Initials. (Publication year). Title of entry. In Editor Initials Editor Last Name (Ed.), Encyclopedia Name. (Vol. volume number, (page range). Publisher.

Hashimoto, Y., & Haga, T. (2009). G protein-coupled receptor. In L.R. Squire (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. (Vol. 2, pp. 1655–1659). Springer.

In-text: (Hashimoto & Haga, 2009)

Subsubsection Chicago

Author 1 Last Name, First Name, and Author 2 First Name Last Name. “Title of Article.” In Encyclopedia Name. Volume number. Edited by Editor 1 First Name Last Name, Editor 2 First Name Last Name, and Editor 3 First Name Last Name. City of Publication: Publisher, Publication year.

Hashimoto, Yuichi, and Tatsuya Haga. “G Protein-Coupled Receptor.” In Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. 2nd vol. Edited by Marc D. Binder, Nobutaka Hirokawa, and Uwe Windhorst. Berlin: Springer, 2009.


First appearance.
Yuichi Hashimoto and Tatsuya Haga, “G. Protein-Coupled Receptor,” in Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. 2nd vol. ed. Marc Binder, Nobutaka Hirokawa, and Uwe Windhorst, (Berlin: Springer, 2003), s.v. “g-coupled protein receptor.”
Consecutive appearances.
Nonconsecutive appearances.
Hashimoto and Haga, “G. Protein-Coupled Receptor.”
For more information about how to insert footnotes, see Subsection 12.1.2.

Subsubsection MLA

Author Last Name, First Name “Title of Article.” Encyclopedia Name. Edited by First Name Last Name. edition number ed. (if applicable), vol. Volume number Publisher, Year.

Hashimoto, Yuichi, and Tatsuya Haga. “G Protein-Coupled Receptor.” Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Edited by Marc Binder. 2009 ed., vol. 1 Springer, 2009.

In-text: (Hashimoto and Haga)