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Sound Writing

Subsection 4.4.1 Identifying Obstacles

Helpful Questions 4.4.1. Identifying Obstacles.

  • Am I simply tired? Do I need a break?
    Sometimes your brain needs a break, and that is okay. Take one!
  • Is there something I don’t understand? If so, can I figure out specifically what I need help with?
    If you can identify what you’re hung up on, then your questions and research will be much more useful and efficient.
  • Is my organization not working anymore?
    Sometimes writers become stuck when the outline they had planned is no longer logical. Take a step back, reorganize, and try again.
  • Do I need to do more research?
    If you’re saying to yourself, “I really need to say something, but I can’t because I don’t have evidence,” then do more research. If you don’t have anything else to say, do more research! Reading more about your topic will likely spark new ideas or lines of argument (see Subsection 4.2.6).
  • Am I anxious or frustrated?
    Keep reading to learn more about managing anxiety.