Subsection 8.3.18 Citing a Graphic Novel
Subsubsection APA
Author 1 Last Name, Initials, & Author 2 Last Name, Initials. (Year). Title of work. Publisher.
Moore, A., & Gibbons, D., (1986). Watchmen, No. 1. DC Comics.
In-text: (Moore & Gibbons, 1986, p. 1)
Subsubsection Chicago
Author 1 Last Name, First Name, and Author 2 First Name Last Name. Title of work, vol. number. (Publisher: Date of publication), page range.
Gibbons, Dave, and Alan Moore. Watchmen, No. 1. (DC Comics: September, 1986), 24–27.
First appearance. Nonconsecutive appearances.
Gibbons, Dave, and Alan Moore. Watchmen, No. 1. (DC Comics: September, 1986), 24–27.
Gibbons and Moore, Watchmen, 24–27.
For more information about how to insert footnotes, see Subsection 12.1.2.
Subsubsection MLA
Moore, Alan, writer. Watchmen, No. 1. Art by Dave Gibbons. DC Comics, 1986.
Note: With graphic novels when the art and the writing are by different people, you should cite the contributor first whose work is the focus of your analysis, as in
Gibbons, Dave, artist. Watchmen, No. 1. Writing by Alan Moore. DC Comics, 1986.
In-text: (Moore 1)