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Sound Writing

Subsection 8.3.14 Citing a Music Performance

This image shows a screenshot of an online event calendar for a music performance with all the elements needed for a citation labeled. At the top in large text are the words "Performance: Symphony Orchestra," with a blue label that reads "Title of performed work." In small text under the title are the words "Wesley Schulz, conductor" with a gray label that reads "Director." On the right side of the page, under a promotional poster, is the text "Date: April 8, 2016" with a green label that reads "Date." Below the date are the words "Location: Schneebeck Concert Hall" with a maroon label reading "Location."

Subsubsection APA

APA does not provide a formal citation for music performances.

Subsubsection Chicago

Author of performed work Last Name, First Name. Title of performed work. Cond. Conductor First Name Last Name. Location, city, state/country, date of performance.

Beethoven, Ludwig van. Symphony No. 9. Cond. Wesley Schultz. Schneebeck Concert Hall, Tacoma, WA, July 29, 2016.


First appearance.
L. Beethoven, Symphony No. 9, conducted by Wesley Schultz, Schneebeck Concert Hall, Tacoma, Wa, July 29, 2016.
Consecutive appearances.
Nonconsecutive appearances.
L. Beethoven, Symphony No. 9.
For more information about how to insert footnotes, see Subsection 12.1.2.

Subsubsection MLA

Note: With performances, you may want to emphasize different elements, perhaps the composer, or perhaps the performing group. Depending on your focus, here are two possible approaches.

Writer Last Name, First Name. Title of work performed. Date of performance. City, Theater.

Beethoven, Ludwig van. Symphony No. 9. 29 July 2016, Tacoma, Schneebeck Concert Hall.

Performer Last Name, First Name. Title of work performed, by Composer First Name Last Name. Date of performance, City, Theater.

University of Puget Sound Symphony Orchestra. Symphony No. 9, by Ludwig van Beethoven. 29 July 2016, Tacoma, Schneebeck Concert Hall.

In-text: (Beethoven) or (University of Puget Sound Symphony Orchestra)