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Sound Writing

Subsection 8.3.6 Citing a Print Journal Article

This diagram shows the first page of a print journal article with labels on the elements needed for a citation. At the top of the page, large text reads "Pioneers of U.S. Ecofeminism and Environmental Justice" with a blue label that says "Title." Smaller text under the title reads "Susan A. Mann," with a red label that reads "Author." The page is filled with unlabeled text, including an abstract, key words, and the first paragraph of the article. At the bottom of the page, set apart from the paragraph, is the following line of text: "(c) 2011 Feminist Formations, Vol. 23 No. 2 (Summer) pp. 1-25." A green label that reads "Date" points to the year "2011," a pink label that reads "Journal" points to the text "Feminist Formations," a maroon label that reads "Volume/Issue" points to the text "Vol. 23 No. 2," and a blue label that reads "Page range" points to the text "pp. 1-25."