Subsection 8.3.13 Citing a Film
Subsubsection APA
Producer Last Name, Initials. (Producer), & Director Last Name, Initials. (Director). (Year). Title of film [Format viewed on: Motion picture]. Country of Origin: Studio.
Barmettler, M. (Producer), & Iñárritu, A. (Director). (2015). The revenant [Motion picture]. United States: 20th Century Fox.
Subsubsection Chicago
Actor 1 Last Name, First Name, and Actor 2 First Name Last Name. Title of Film. Format. Directed by Director First Name Last Name. Year of original release; city, state/country: Distributor, distribution year.
DiCaprio, Leonardo, and Tom Hardy.The Revenant. Motion picture. Directed by Alejandro G. Iñárritu. 2015; Los Angeles, CA: 20th Century Fox, 2015.
Subsubsection MLA
Creator Last Name, First Name (if applicable), Title of Film or Video. Role of other contributors and their First Name Last Name, Version (if applicable), Publisher, Publication date.
Alejandro G. Iñárritu, The Revenant, Performers Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy. 20th Century Fox, 2015.