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Sound Writing

Subsection 8.3.15 Citing a Music Recording

This image shows the front and back of a CD case, with labels on elements needed for a citation. The front cover shows a painting of several rows of people being pushed along in a wicker pram. At the top of the image in red letters is the name "Bruce Hornsby," with a red label that reads "Artist name." Below it are the words "Halcyon Days" in the same font, with a gray label reading "Album name." The back of the case is red and white striped with the tracklist. The track being cited, called "Dreamland," is circled and has a blue label that reads "Title of track." In the lower left corner is a small logo that reads "Columbia Records" with a purple label reading "Manufacturer." Small text in the lower left corner is illegible but has a green label that reads "Year" and a maroon label that reads "City of Publication."

Subsubsection APA

Artist Last Name, Initials. (Year). Title of track. On Album name [Medium]. City of Publication, State/Country: Manufacturer.

Hornsby, B. (2004). Dreamland. On Halcyon days [CD]. New York City, NY: Columbia Records.

In-text: (Hornsby, 2004)

Subsubsection Chicago

Artist Last Name, First Name. “Title of Work.” Album. Manufacturer Number of Recording, Year, medium.

Hornsby, Bruce. “Dreamland.” Halcyon Days. Columbia Records CK92652, 2004, compact disc.


First appearance.
Bruce Hornsby, “Dreamland,” Halcyon Days., Columbia Records CK92652, 2004, compact disk.
For more information about how to insert footnotes, see Subsection 12.1.2.

Subsubsection MLA

Artist Last Name, First Name. “Title of Recording.” Album. Manufacturer, Year of publication. Medium.

Hornsby, Bruce. “Dreamland.” Halcyon Days. Columbia Records, 2004. CD.

In-text: (Hornsby)