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Sound Writing

Subsection 8.3.8 Citing a Website

This diagram shows a screenshot of the front page of a website with labels on elements needed for a citation. At the top of the page is the small text "," with a yellow label that reads "URL." In medium text in the upper left corner of the page is the text "University of Puget Sound," with a gray label reading "Sponsor." Below this on the left side is the name "Mark O. Martin, Associate Professor of Biology," with a red label that reads "Author." Below this runs a bar with various page names, including "collaborators" and "teaching." On the bottom half of the page is the text "Welcome to ’Martin’s Microbial Menagerie,’" with a dark green label that reads "Website name" pointing to "Martin’s Microbial Menagerie." Small text in the lower right corner reads "2:03PM 9/21/2016" with a light green label that reads "Date accessed."

Subsubsection APA

Website with Human Author.

Author last name, first and middle initials. (Year, month date).Title of page or section. Source or overall website. URL

Martin, Mark.(n.d.).Martin’s Microbial Menagerie.University of Puget Sound.

In-text: (Martin)

Website with Organization Author.

Organization.(Year, month date).Title of page or section. Source or overall website (only if different from organization).URL.

University of Puget Sound.(2018, July 3).About Puget Sound.

In text: (University of Puget Sound, 2018)

Subsubsection Chicago

Author Last Name, First Name. Title of Website (leave unitalicized unless the title of the website is also the title of a book or periodical). Sponsor. Date of publication or date updated (if none, give date accessed). URL.

Martin, Mark. Martin’s Microbial Menagerie. University of Puget Sound, August 1, 2016.


First appearance.
Mark Martin, Martin’s Microbial Menagerie, University of Puget Sound, August 1, 2016,
Consecutive appearances.
Nonconsecutive appearances.
Martin, Martin’s Microbial Menagerie.
If no known author is provided, begin the citation with the title of the website.

Subsubsection MLA

Website with Human Author.

Author Last Name, First Name. Title of Website. Name of Publisher, Date of publication (if available), URL. Accessed date.

Martin, Mark. Martin’s Microbial Menagerie. University of Puget Sound, Accessed 1 Aug. 2016.

In-text: (Martin)

Website with Organization Author.

University of Puget Sound. University of Puget Sound. UPS, 2016. Web. 29 July 2016.

In-text: (University of Puget Sound)
For a website with no known author, begin the citation with the title of the website.
For a website with no known title, use a description such as “Main page” instead of a title.