Use an ellipsis to show that you have omitted part of a quotation.
Example7.4.1.Ellipsis: Restaurant Review.
The New York Times reporter wrote, “The restaurant, while it appeared to be a tiny hole-in-the-wall, showcased . . . an impressive range of traditional Peruvian cuisine.”
Use four periods when you omit a quote that contains the end of a sentence. The fourth period indicates to the reader that the sentence has ended and that the next portion of the quoted material comes from a different sentence.
Example7.4.2.Ellipsis: Sunbutter.
Original quote—“I love that the SUB has sunbutter and bananas. It’s great because I’m allergic to peanuts.”
Quoted portion—“I love that the SUB has sunbutter . . . . It’s great because I’m allergic to peanuts.”
SubsubsectionExclamation ⟦!⟧ and Question ⟦?⟧ Marks
Example7.4.3.Exclamation and Question Marks: Recursive Enthusiasm.
“Use an exclamation mark when you want to show excitement! (Like this!)”
Example7.4.4.Exclamation and Question Marks: Recursive Interrogation.
“Do you use a question mark when you ask a question? (Answer: Yes, you do.)”
These occur when a writer joins two independent clauses with a comma (see Subsection 7.1.2). Recall that an independent clause is a sentence with a subject, verb, and complete idea. “Comma splices are weird, they look like this.” Comma splices make sentences less precise, can you see how this comma splice makes my sentence quite confused? What can you do instead? You have several options!
SubsubsectionSemicolon ⟦;⟧
There are two main reasons to use a semicolon:
You can use them to separate items in a list when there are also commas.
“For dinner, I want to have a sandwich with hummus, cheese, and pickles; some chocolate milk; and some froyo.”
You can also use them to separate two independent clauses and to show your reader that those independent clauses are closely related.
“I like to eat sandwiches; they are yummy.”
Don’t capitalize the word following the semicolon unless it’s a proper noun.
SubsubsectionColon ⟦:⟧
Only use a colon after a complete sentence. Colons tell a reader that what follows is directly related to the sentence that preceded the colon. The following information could be a list of items or another clause.
Example7.4.9.Colon: Weird Snack.
“Please grab me a couple of things from the store: a container of ice cream, a carton of eggs, and some guacamole.”
Example7.4.10.Colon: Tiny Pants.
“I learned about the coolest thing in class today: a long time ago, a scientist conducted an experiment where he put tiny pants on frogs 1 .”
You don’t usually need to capitalize the word following a colon (unless it’s a proper noun), but some style guides recommend it, so if you have questions, as always, ask your professor.
SubsubsectionHyphens and Dashes ⟦-⟧, ⟦–⟧, and ⟦—⟧
A hyphen is used within a word, such as “non-aligned”, or used when a word is split across two lines (“hyphenation”). It is a key on your keyboard. It is not a minus sign, but is frequently used as one.
An en dash is wider, traditionally the width of an uppercase N (thus the name). It is used for ranges, such as “Sound Writing is copyright 2017–2019.”
An em dash is wider still, twice the width of an en dash, and traditionally the width of an uppercase M (thus the name). These longer dashes are what you use to set things apart—you can use them with fragments or complete sentences. Like the earlier example—the one up above—you can use two em dashes to set something apart, or you can use one em dash like the previous two sentences. Many word-processors will create an em dash if you type two consecutive hyphens.
None of these punctuation marks have spaces before or after them.
SubsubsectionParentheses ⟦(these)⟧
Aside from citations (see Chapter 8), parentheses are used in writing to separate words, phrases, or sentences from the main text. When you want to add additional information that doesn’t fit well within the main part of a sentence, you can use parentheses to inform your reader while simultaneously keeping your sentence flowing (like this). (Or you can just use parentheses on their own to indicate that something is an aside or afterthought.) For more details on how to use other types of punctuation with parentheses (e.g., where does the period go?!), see Item 2!
You can also use parentheses in area codes, like (253)879-3404 (which is, coincidentally, the phone number to the Center for Writing, Learning, and Teaching).
SubsubsectionBrackets ⟦[these]⟧
Brackets are kind of weird and don’t seem to come up much, but, in general, you can associate them with quoted or parenthetical material. You should use brackets when you:
include a quote that requires clarification to make sense.
“She said that they [her roommates] are the best.”
include a quote that doesn’t fit well within the syntax of your sentence (e.g., your quote starts with a lowercase letter, but you put it at the beginning of a sentence).
“[T]hey are the best,” Shelly said about her roommates.
Shelly loved her roommates last year; she said “they [were] the best.” (Here, we’ve changed the present tense “are” to the past tense “were” in order to match the tense of the sentence.)
want to tell your reader that you have or haven’t added something (e.g., italics or a grammatical mistake) to a quote.
“Rainier looked so beautiful today” [emphasis in original].
The baby said, “the doggie ated [sic] my sandwich.”
include a short phrase in another language.
“Je t’aime [I love you],” she said to her cat.
want to put parentheses inside parentheses.
(I like to use parentheses [but not all the time].)
SubsubsectionQuotation Marks
When you quote something, you are exactly replicating the words, phrases, and sentences of another source. Therefore, whenever you are quoting something directly, it’s always a good idea to make sure you copy the quotation exactly as it appears in the source. Otherwise, you’re inadvertently changing what the quote is saying! But sometimes when you write longer and more complicated quotes, you may forget to insert commas or emphases, type a wrong word, or end the quote incorrectly. Besides simply trying to copy the quote exactly, there are a few other guidelines to keep in mind while incorporating quotes into your writing.
Example7.4.13.Using Quotation Marks.
According to the first-year seminar student, “The CWLT is a great place to share your ideas, receive feedback on drafts, and improve your editing skills.”
In the first-year seminar student’s reaction to going to the CWLT, the phrase “share your ideas” evokes a sense of collaboration and engagement with the writing process.
Example7.4.14.Prefacing Quotes with a Comma.
Riley said in response to the student, “Wow, I guess I had better make an appointment at the CWLT, then!”
Example7.4.15.Capitalizing a Quoted Sentence.
The CWLT states on its webpage, “The mission of the Center for Writing, Learning, and Teaching is to provide opportunities for all Puget Sound students to achieve their academic goals.”
Kaden exclaimed, “My paper is due next week and I haven’t even started thinking about it! Maybe I should make a writing appointment. . .”
Example7.4.16.Integrating Quotes.
“I’m kind of scared to make a writing appointment,” the first-year student acknowledged, “but I think I will anyway.”
“While sharing your writing with another person can feel intimidating,” the professor reassured, “the Writing Advisors at the CWLT are very nice and accommodating.”
Example7.4.17.Using an Ellipses to Replace Source Material.
According to the director of the CWLT, “The center offers a safe space for collaborative engagement with the writing process, creative and intellectual exploration, . . . and interdisciplinary interaction between peers, faculty, and staff.”
Example7.4.18.Using Ellipses to Quote Honestly.
If the original sentence were, “I have never seen The Postmen play a game, but I really enjoy watching ultimate games because the players have so many cool Frisbee throws!” then you would need an ellipsis if you cut the introductory or concluding clause: “. . . I really enjoy watching ultimate games . . . .”
The class responded, “Of course we’re going to the “Long Night Against Procrastination” [emphasis in original].”
Example7.4.20.Using Brackets to Insert Nouns.
The Writing Advisor emphasized, “[The CWLT] is a great place to work collaboratively on essay ideas or subject material as well as independently on homework.”
“Additionally, if you need a coffee or tea break, it [the CWLT] is located conveniently close to Diversions,” continued the Writing Advisor.
Although Jordan knew the due date for the lab report was impending, they remarked that they felt a “sudden spasm of panic” when they realized the report was due tomorrow.
Anxious about their upcoming organic chemistry exam, the student noted that their appointment with the chemistry subject tutor made them feel “calm and collected.”
Example7.4.23.Incorporating Quotes into Syntax of Sentence.
After their meeting with Rachael Shelden, assistant director of the CWLT, the student remarked that they felt more “calm,” “confident,” and “empowered” and left feeling “motivated to become more organized.”
Example7.4.24.Using Block Quotes for Large Excerpts.
According to its website, the CWLT emphasizes how easy it is to make an appointment:
There are several ways for students to make an appointment to meet with a writing advisor or subject tutor. The fastest ways are to stop by the CWLT (Howarth 109) or to call (253)879-3404.
Students can also request appointments by using the forms 3 for a writing appointment or for a subject tutoring appointment. Before requesting an appointment, it is helpful to consult the schedules for writing advisor and subject tutor hours.
Apostrophes, or single quotation marks, most often mark possession. However, due to the inconsistent nature of English morphology, the task of marking possession is rather complicated.
Apostrophes are also used to mark contractions, or two words combined, such as “could” and “have,” which can be contracted, or shortened, to “could’ve.” A single apostrophe takes the place of omitted letters.
Example7.4.26.Shortening Words with Apostrophes.
“Cannot” becomes “Can’t”
“We would” becomes “We’d”
“It is” becomes “It’s”
“Will not” becomes “Won’t”
“Won’t” is an interesting case because its spelling does not correspond to its implied contraction “will not.” Linguists suspect that this is because, over time, the pronunciation of the contraction shifted such that “will” became “woll,” resulting in the current form “won’t.” It should be noted that the above contractions constitute their own words without an apostrophe (cant, wed, its, and wont are all words). In order to avoid confusion, it is important to include the apostrophe in contractions.
Apostrophes can also come at the front of a word, such as “’Twas” to mark omitted letters (omitted from “’Twas” is the letter “I”: “It was”).
Apostrophes can also be used in conjunction with single letters (such as grades), abbreviations, and numerals (including years). There are no standard rules for these usages. Ask your professor for their preference and be consistent. Aim for clarity where necessary. For instance, the plural form “As” (referring to the letter grade) will likely be misread as “As” the word. Use an apostrophe here (“A’s”).
Example7.4.27.Clarifying Pluralization with Apostrophes.
Generally accepted usages:
“Ph.D.s” becomes “Ph.D.’s”
“2010s” becomes “2010’s”
“’10s” becomes “10’s”
Beware the personal pronouns “hers,” “yours,” “ours,” “its,” “theirs,” and “whose,” which do not use an apostrophe.